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Most orders will arrive within the following time frames. Please note that we are not responsible for delays caused by the store, the shipping carrier or customs.
STANDARD SHIPPING 8 - 20 business days
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Order Review
Order date: November 10, 2014.
Image Item Produc# Size Color Weight Quantity Price Total
QUENTIN [ Color: BLACK ] [ Size: MEDIUM ] 694414689045 1.00 $99.00 $99.00
Merchandise Amount: USD 99.00
Total: USD 99.00
Domestic Shipping inside USA: USD 0.00
International Shipping and Handling: USD0.00
Grand Total: USD 99.00
天猫旗舰店有款貌似跟这个很相似,双11狂欢价1799的。“ANDREWMARC MNY 2014秋冬新品男士复古真皮夹克皮衣 TM4S1184”。 天猫这款写的是真皮