I've verified that we only charged you $36.56 for your order.
When you place an order shipped and sold by Amazon.com or one of our merchant partners, we contact your bank for a purchase authorization to verify your card but don't actually charge you until the order ships. Some banks may hold funds in your account for these authorizations even if the order is canceled. Orders from our Marketplace sellers may be charged at the time of purchase.
You'll need to contact your bank for assistance. They can tell you why funds on your account may be unavailable and clarify how long they hold payment authorizations for online orders.
I can provide you with the settlement verification code. It depends on the policies of your bank, but this may be able to help your bank locate and remove the authorization in question. Here’s that information:
- Settlement Verification Code: xxxxxx
客服意思你place an order后,亚马逊通知银行冻结你这部分资金,然后发货后才正式扣款。因为银行收到的是亚马逊第一次的预授权,所以冻结额是原来的price没有变过,只不过到时候发货扣款亚马逊是扣后来谈好的5折。剩下那一半冻结额我估计是下个月会释放吧。
各位大神求指教: 我的订单之前下单付款了,已经preparing for shipment,招行信用卡也扣款了。后来再联系客服重新改了订单,改成了5折,重新变成了not yet shipped。美亚会联系招行把扣款改成5折吗?或者把差价打给我?
我也直接下单了,也是preparing for shipment了,招行信用卡都来扣款通知了。前面沟通,客服帮我订单改到了5折,订单重新变成了Not Yet Shipped。不知道美亚会不会把招行那边的扣款数目修改了,或者把补偿打进来
然后我前面一觉醒来发现招行扣款了!美亚订单显示preparing for shipping!