@莲雾_ 你好,我的也是用DPD派送,但现在跟踪信息显示“The parcel is being processed through customs clearance pending the payment of duties and taxes applicable on these goods”,这是不是被税了,接下来怎么办?
size?购入两双zx750,DPD配送,现在跟踪信息是“The parcel is being processed through customs clearance pending the payment of duties and taxes applicable on these goods”,不知接下来怎么办??
@Kcdb 哥们 你好,我在Size?上买了两双zx750,派送用的是DPD,现在跟踪信息是“The parcel is being processed through customs clearance pending the payment of duties and taxes applicable on these goods”,这是不是被税的节奏,国内转EMS可以查单号吗?
@Backlife 你好,我买了两双zx750,用的DPD直邮,现在派送信息是“The parcel is being processed through customs clearance pending the payment of duties and taxes applicable on these goods”,这是不是被税了,求解答!DPD国内转什么快递?
我买了两双,快递用的是DPD,现在跟踪信息是“The parcel is being processed through customs clearance pending the payment of duties and taxes applicable on these goods”,这是不是被税了,求大神解答?
@帅佬公 你好 我在size?买了两双鞋子,用的是DPD直邮,现在跟踪信息是“The parcel is being processed through customs clearance pending the payment of duties and taxes applicable on these goods”,这是不是被税了,不知您清楚不?