Thank you for contacting the a2 Nutrition careline.
a2 manage the supply of the product into China using authorised distributors appointed by our business to ensure the integrity of the supply chain process and the product. The a2 Milk Company has appointed Tmall agent and JD worldwide to distribute a2 Platinum™ Australian formula in China.
For any enquiries with the a2 Platinum Infant Formula in China, please contact our a2 China Careline team for assistance on 400-820-4056. You can also check on our website is . Below are the links to the authorised distributors.
a2MC Tmall Global flagship store (天猫国际a2牛奶公司海外旗舰店). Please note not all a2 Platinum™ ANZ label sold on Tmall Global are authorized sales by a2MC. Please refer to the link below and Tmall webpage header.