Since our verification service does not work on cards issued outside of the United States, we have been unable to verify the billing address on your credit card. We can only ship to the billing address that is attached to the credit card. This is for the cardholder's, as well as our, protection against credit card fraud.
For payment international customers who do not have a U.S. issued credit card we will only be able to accept payment with a Certified Bank Check or Bank Transfer.
To complete your order, you will need to forward: your complete name and shipping address, your order/auction #, and Certified Bank Check in the amount of $119.95 USD to:
Cameta Camera
55 Sea Lane
Farmingdale NY 11735
For Payment with a Bank-to-Bank Transfer please let us know so the necessary steps can be taken and we can send you the necessary details.
Please notify us if you are sending payment via Certified Bank Check so we can make the appropriate notes in your order. Failure to notify us could result in your order being placed into payment dispute.
As a last alternative we can do a mutual cancellation without negative feedback.