不知道我的留言是否能帮到大家,我向bigfish 提交了一个申请退款的ticket(说明这个扣费没有经过我同意),然后收到了回信,居然给我把两个月的钱(6.99$*2)都退回了,而且邮件回复非常诚恳:
Hi xx
Thank you for writing in. It sounds like you were billed for an amount that you didn't authorize. I understand it can be quite disconcerting to find unexplained charges on your statement. I've totally been there and it was not a good feeling. This is Reine, in Big Fish Cork, Ireland and I can definitely fix this for you.
After checking the e-mail "xxxxxx", I can see that a Big Fish Game Club membership was activated on the 12th of February 2013 when the game Awakening: The Dreamless Castle was purchased. It seems that the box for the Game Club membership remained ticked during the check out process, which signed your account up for a monthly membership.
For $6.99 a month, you get a Game Club credit every month. Credits can be redeemed for games--one credit for a standard version game, and two for a Collector's Edition. Plus, you have access to all the other great member benefits.
Since it sounds like that have been started up by accident xx, I've gone ahead and cancelled it for you. This means that you won't receive any more monthly charges in the future unless you reactivate the membership.
I also refunded the charges taken on the 12th of March and April and it may take 3 up to 5 days for the refund to fully process if not sooner.
Even though the membership is now cancelled, your account will remain accessible and you’re still able to play your game. And you keep all your members advantages until the end of the 12th of May 2013. (discounted prices etc...)
For more information about Big Fish Game Club and the included benefits xx, please see the following help article:
Big Fish Game Club Membership
If you don't want to become a member in our Game Club, please just make sure that the box for the membership is not ticked when purchasing your next game, otherwise your membership will be reactivated and you’ll be charged again.
I hope the information provided is helpful and if I can help you with anything else xx, please just let me know. You can reach me by replying directly to this e-mail.
Have a great day!
点击sign out旁边的game credit链接,会看到页面左下角有一个“cancel my membership”链接,这个就可以cancel掉避免今后的扣费了