in this case the system is taking too long to process the payment authorization, that is why it hasn't shipped, also one of the things holding back the order is that this items cannot be imported to certain countries.In this case the system shows this item cannot be imported to China unless you have a special permission from the government that is why the order is not being processed。刚刚问客服为什么还没发货,客服这样答复我。。。。。
n this case the system is taking too long to process the payment authorization, that is why it hasn\'t shipped, also one of the things holding back the order is that this items cannot be imported to certain countries.In this case the system shows this item cannot be imported to China unless you have a special permission from the government that is why the order is not being processed.这是刚刚我问客服为什么还没有发货,客服给我的答复。。。。。