The ad is a bit unclear as it states that : " Receive $40 off on this item with an instant coupon as ""reflected"" in our price" Which in essence means that this $40 has already been taken off the price already. Which means that the price of this item is actually $210.99.
我是美亚自营淘回来 小螺纹口也没有字母啊!有美官网买的吗。网上有说为了和韩版区别,所以美版底部是一圈字母。淘宝所谓的旗舰店,拿的是韩国的授权,韩国的网址在美官网又linked到,晕啊晕
刚刚美亚海淘了一个橙色一个绿色的到手,有很大疑问,希望海淘过这个杯子的同学解答一下:橙色的杯子,杯子小口螺纹处可以找到字幕标记 A2, 绿色的确没有!是绿色的都没有还是怎样?看过鉴别真假的评论,好似有字母的才是真的!求美国官网购买过的同学解惑啊!
你还好是没发货,我是转运到手以后拆包才发现只有一个,慢慢交涉路。主要是ebay没有直接一点的解决问题的方式,resolution center很教条。