联系在线客服的方法十分简单,找到入口即可。在任意商品页面或者个人信息页面的底部有“Let Us Help You”一栏,点击最下面的“Help”就可以进入“Help & Customer Service”帮助和客服页面:
2.在Help & Customer Service 帮助和客服页面中,将鼠标悬停在最后一项“Need More Help”处就会弹出帮助菜单,点击其中的“Contact Us”就进入联系在线客服页面了
Me:HI How to pay the taxes
John:Hello, my name is John. I'll certainly try to help regarding your concern.
I checked and see that you will not be charged for tax for the order you have placed.
And you need not pay tax too.
Me:After delivery?
John:You need not pay even after the delivery.
Are you referring to import fee?
John:Thank you.
We will not charge you for import fee but the carrier will ask you to pay this import fee at the time of delivery.
Me:when i pay for the goods
John:You will be charged when the order ships out for delivery.
Do you have any other queries?
Me:how to return it back if i dont want it
after i get it
John:Please contact us when you decided to return the item, we'll be happy to help you to return the item.
Me:OK thanks
have a nice night BYE
John:You're welcome! It has been my pleasure assisting you. Thanks for contacting Amazon. We hope to see you again soon. You take care!