个人建议,如果国内穿S的,买XS,我165 50kg都买XS slim的 ,除了袖长会长2个公分左右,其他都完美驾驭
Dear sir
The J.crew factory online shop seems to be in promotion . I am about to purchase some items for summer .
Could you tell me the difference between J.crew and J.crew Factory ? they has a big difference in price localization .
Thanks ®ards
Hello Eric,
Happy to help - great question! J.Crew Factory merchandise is inspired by our J.Crew classics - it's very difficult to tell the difference. J.Crew Factory source their materials and manufacturing from alternative locations which allow a lower price point. Hope this helps! If you have any questions or concerns, please let me know.
David K
1-800-591-3802 ext. 53337
这个鞋子配裤脚小一点的啊 裤子得slim的 你这体重根本hold不住的 本屌165 要穿40.5的码
他家xs的衬衫slim的 比ralph 家的slim的s衣长袖长都合适些 我决定就粉它了
我也下了不少 996 一双 衬衫两件 裤子三条 羊绒衫一件 编制腰带一根 总价200刀上下