Thank you for your order!
As a safety feature for our customers we reserve the right to authenticate purchases on our site. We provide this verification process as a service to increase security & reduce fraud for our customers.
To confirm and complete your order, please take the following steps:
1) Contact your bank or credit card company
2) Ask the representative for the "authorization” or “approval” code associated with the amount authorized by us.
3) Contact us with your name, "authorization code", and order number.
We will be able to release the order to be shipped when you can verify the authorization code for this transaction.
If we do not hear back from you within three (3) days, this order may be canceled. If you no longer wish to receive this order, please contact us and let us know!
大神,目前买了第一单鸟个30会员。如果没被砍的话全是运气了。但是那送的30美元 要不要这几天趁着黑五活动花掉?但是也没啥太大的需求了。 如果留着可能就是半年,后面半年一般还有比较大的优惠活动吗 谢谢