大神求救每次EBAY购买东西用PAYPAL 点击确认付款就出现一堆英文 信用卡都验证过了双币种VISA卡 这是为什么? To ensure that eBay remains a safe marketplace, we limit the quantity of items that can be bought or sold by a single account at one time. These limits may change over time and are determined by your previous site activity and overall performance. Currently, your account has reached the limit for bidding and buying, but you can increase this limit by providing additional verification. Thank you for your understanding. Please follow the directions below to continue.
大神求救每次EBAY购买东西用PAYPAL 点击确认付款就出现一堆英文 信用卡都验证过了双币种VISA卡 这是为什么? To ensure that eBay remains a safe marketplace, we limit the quantity of items that can be bought or sold by a single account at one time. These limits may change over time and are determined by your previous site activity and overall performance. Currently, your account has reached the limit for bidding and buying, but you can increase this limit by providing additional verification. Thank you for your understanding. Please follow the directions below to continue.
买过两台1.5匹格兰仕变频 一台去年2099 一台就是上个月买的这个同款2199 用得挺满意