感谢提醒。用的确实是onedrive for business没有错。浏览器已经记住过密码,但就是每次点下一步就是提示那一堆英文。换过几个浏览器都这样。去网上查,发现有很多遇到跟我一样问题的国内外网友,但目前我还没有找到解决办法。
这几天都试了很多次,还是不行。网页登录onedrive没问题,但不管用chrome还是edge浏览器,cloud sync连接onedrive for business每次输入完账号密码后点击下一步都提示一堆英文,开头如下“The browser you're using does not support website redirect or the website domain is not under trusted website. Please add the website into the trusted sites for verification. Below are the steps of adding trusted site.”按它的要求设置了信任网站,还是没用。郁闷
这几天都试了很多次,还是不行。网页登录onedrive没问题,但就是cloud sync不行,不管用chrome还是edge浏览器,cloud sync连接onedrive for business每次输入完账号密码后点击下一步都提示一堆英文,开头如下“The browser you're using does not support website redirect or the website domain is not under trusted website. Please add the website into the trusted sites for verification. Below are the steps of adding trusted site.”按它的要求设置了信任网站,还是没用。郁闷