I'm really sorry to read that you’re yet to receive your order.
I can completely understand your concern, and I've arranged for the delivery to be investigated for you.
Whilst I look into this with the courier company, I have posted you a form which I require you to complete, sign, and return within 10 working days. The form is declaration of non receipt, which removes all liability from yourself, allowing us to conclude our investigation and reimburse you with either a refund or a replacement.
没有,你就是表达自己的失望之情,说由于发货的推迟导致各种收货不便什么的。不同的客服处理方式不同,所以能不能得到优惠也是看人品的。。。我今天闲的无聊又发邮件表达了一下自己的不公平待遇,然后客服又给我返了一张20刀的优惠券,我寄到香港朋友那边,这样我价格就是219-50-20=149 然后是priority shipping…… 客服说1月2号还没有收到发货信息再和她联系
我昨天也是先online chat,也没有准确的时间。后来发改成发Email,然后那边将我的运输方式免费提升到priority shipping. 现在显示是1月8号到1月17号之间到