Date/time City Status
Sat, 29.08.2015 13:06 h -- The instruction data for this shipment have been provided by the sender to DHL electronically
Mon, 31.08.2015 16:57 h Nohra, Germany The international shipment has been processed in the parcel center of origin
Tue, 01.09.2015 15:59 h Radefeld, Germany The shipment has been processed in the destination parcel center现在已经发货了 怎么退货呀
哎呀 看到楼主的分享瞬间觉得自己想退货了啊 我29号下单了 CYBEX Pallas 2-Fix ,当时特价优惠了7%,哎好纠结啊 要不要退了重新买Pallas M-Fix啊 楼主给点意见吧 这两个区别真的很大吗