不能买可能是某些地方没货 魔都已撸 同等330WTC等不及了 给老丈人家买的
有330WTC好价 再撸一个 把家里旧海尔换掉 (结霜一天世界)
求推荐类似网络播放器音箱一体机 音质要求不高 有以下要求
1.网线或无线连接 最好有网线连接
2.能播放NAS内的音乐 mp3 无损等等 支持格式越多越好
3.有液晶屏 能正确显示中文曲名和ID3信息
4.一体机 价格不超4K
貌似 罗技SQUEEZEBOX系列可以 不过停产了
新西兰K召回 只涉及普通装1段两个批次和金装2段一个批次.
国内正规代理的K也出公告了 完全不涉及.
The products being recalled are:
- Karicare Infant Formula Stage 1 (0–6 months) in NEW ZEALAND ONLY with batch numbers 3169 and 3170 (use by 17 06 2016 and 18 06 2016). The batch number and use by date can be found on the base of the tin.
- Karicare Gold+ Follow On Formula Stage 2 (6–12 months) in NEW ZEALAND ONLY with batch number D3183 (use by 31 12 2014). The batch number and use by date can be found on the base of the tin.
Consumers should not feed products with these batch numbers to infants.
If you have been using these products to feed your infant and your child shows any sign of illness, please contact your health care professional as a precautionary measure.
This recall ONLY affects batch numbers 3169 and 3170 of Karicare Infant Formula Stage 1 (0–6 months), sold in New Zealand and batch number D3183 of Karicare Gold+ Follow On Formula Stage 2 (6–12 months), sold in New Zealand.
The recall DOES NOT include other Karicare products.
This issue does not affect any Nutricia products sold in Australia.