一定要得,算是他们客服的身份核对了,如果你念不清楚街道名,可以直接报字母,先跟客服解释一下,我一般都是这样的,“Sorry, I am not familiar with the street names because I live in China. This package is shipped to a US warehouse. May I read the address letter by letter?(不好意思哦,我在中国,美国街道名不熟,我一个字母一个字母的给您报吧~)”
客服第一句会问你名字,回答他。然后他会问有什么可以帮你,然后可以说“Hi, I am new to your website. And I just placed an order with you. 报单号 But I forgot to use the welcome15 code. Could you help return the discount to me?”然后客服正常情况下都是说好的,然后会跟你核对派送地址,这个一定要提供完整,答对了才能退钱哦~