This Groupon Goods item is sold by a 3rd party merchant—they will take care of ensuring the fulfillment, delivery, and quality of the item you've purchased.
For all questions and assistance with this order, you'll need to contact the merchant directly:
• When you purchased this item, you received a "Thank you for your purchase" email
• Log into your email account and pull up this email—make sure you're looking at the email account tied to your Groupon account
• Click "View Order Details"—this takes you to the item's order page
• From there, click the Contact Merchant button
You can also find their contact info listed in the deal's Fine Print, pasted here for your reference: ''.
If you've already taken the above steps but can't get in contact with the merchant:
• Let us know and we'll be happy to reach out to the merchant on your behalf
• Please navigate back to your item's order page using the above steps, click on the Tickets tab, and note the ticket number
• Then, send us that ticket number and the best phone number to contact you with