@maplewang 有没有 想过。140的包,再凑单个10美元的东西。就可以满150免费直邮回中国。
而且包还可以打8折。 等于约122美元就可以直邮回国。
比直接买出邮费。还要合算。 我已经试过了。可以用8折码。也可以满150美元免费直邮回国。但我昨天用来凑单的东西后来想想不喜欢。现在在苦寻凑单品。 或者你找到凑单品,可以分享一下吗?
@maplewang 重大突破! 我与亚马逊客服沟通后,表示,咖啡色 可以用8折码, 先按140的下单,后期会帮你改成(8折后的)112元的。我已经下单了。
06:09 PM PST Gavian(Amazon): That is correct, I will have the department apply the promotion for you.
06:10 PM PST WOWOwang: and may i ask how much is shipping cost for mail this brief directly to China. considering the brief's Shipping Weight is 3.6 pounds.
some say the systematic shipping cost shows in the amazon.com is now correct. if the shipping weight is more than 1 pounds.
06:11 PM PST Gavian(Amazon): The shipping cost varies depending on the nature of the item, once you are proceeding to checkout you will see the shipping charges.
06:13 PM PST WOWOwang: dear Gavian: I have just place my order -- 114-5250278-5969024. Could you be so kind to notify the department apply the promotion 20PRES15 to me. Thank you and best wished.
06:14 PM PST Gavian(Amazon): Not to worry, they will notify you by email when the promotion has been added.
06:15 PM PST WOWOwang: thanks and bye