阿玛尼发的Thank you for shopping at Armani Exchange online.
While we make every effort to fulfill your order, occasionally certain item(s) may be unavailable.
The item(s) in your order are no longer available therefore your order # 1XXXXX ha**een cancelled.
Please note you have not been billed for this order.
We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.
If we may be of further assistance, please call [e-mail address removed] or email us at [e-mail address removed]
A|X Armani Exchange Customer Service
然后亚马逊又发了一封邮件 内容如下
We\'re writing to inform you that your order from Armani Exchange ha**een canceled because the item you purchased is out of stock. Please return and place your order again at a later time. We\'re sorry for the inconvenience this has caused. In most cases, you pay for items when we ship them to you, so you won\'t be charged for items that are canceled.*
慎买ipad mini3,卖家的免邮已从usps变成了FREE Standard Int'l Shipping,我百度了一下有可能发什么斑马物流或者友家。。