截取一段美亚上的评价 毕竟声音这东西很主观
These are without a doubt one of the best headphones I've had the pleasure to listen to. With headphones such as Sennheiser HD558, HD598, HD600, HD700, AKG Q701, Beyerdynamic DT770 80/250 ohm, DT990 250ohm, Shure 1440's and the Fidelio X1's. The midrange claity is much better than all of the above except the HD600's. They're just a tad bit recessed compared to those. These produce a cleaner high end as well than all of the above except the HD600's again. These X2's produce a bit of grain sound to them up there. It's not obtrusive or anything but you notice it in certain areas. The low end is quite ear pleasing. Much deeper and pronounced than all of the others except the X1's.