2015-11-17 18:47:00 【德国】已收寄
2015-11-18 00:33:00 到达【德国DESAHA】互换局
2015-11-18 08:33:00 离开【法兰克福】
2015-11-18 09:28:00 【法兰克福】已出口直封
2015-11-23 18:01:11 【上海互换局】已进口开拆
2015-11-23 18:14:05 【上海互换局】已进口互封(国内经转)
2015-11-23 18:14:06 【上海互换局】移交海关
2015-11-25 12:12:59 【上海互换局】已进口开拆
2015-11-25 12:31:00 【上海互换局】移交海关
2015-11-25 12:32:52 【上海互换局】已进口互封(国内经转)
2015-11-26 17:31:56 【上海市】试投
2015-11-17 18:47:00 【德国】已收寄
2015-11-18 00:33:00 到达【德国DESAHA】互换局
2015-11-18 08:33:00 离开【法兰克福】
2015-11-18 09:28:00 【法兰克福】已出口直封
2015-11-23 18:01:11 【上海互换局】已进口开拆
2015-11-23 18:14:05 【上海互换局】已进口互封(国内经转)
2015-11-23 18:14:06 【上海互换局】移交海关
2015-11-25 12:12:59 【上海互换局】已进口开拆
2015-11-25 12:31:00 【上海互换局】移交海关
The route of your parcel
17.11.2015 17:13 The instruction data for this shipment have been provided by the sender to DHL electronically
17.11.2015 18:47 The international shipment has been processed in the parcel center of origin
18.11.2015 00:33 The international shipment has been processed in the export parcel center
18.11.2015 08:33 The shipment will be transported to the destination country and, from there, handed over to the delivery organization. (Homepage / online shipment tracking: http://intmail.183.com.cn/)
再买一个,然后把179的退了 不知道会不会进黑名单,我也是179买的,刚刚电话申请价格保护,给了我1500京豆,但差价有50,我真心想要不要再买一个然后把这个新买的当做我之前买的退了。179的已经装上用了