We appreciate your response and regret the inconvenience. We are currently unable to facilitate exchanges through our online store, nor are we able to ship a pair of "left" shoes in the Men's Atlantic Edge Slip-On Leather Boat Shoe Style. Regrettably as we do not offer international shipping we are unable to cover return shipping cost from China. Please be advised you are welcome to return this item to the original shipping address provided at the time of purchase, and the addressee may access our free return label for returns within the United States.
For returns within the United States the return label can be accessed by clicking the following link:
You may return your item(s) in accordance with our return policy for a credit to your original form of payment. We are able to offer free ground shipping on the reorder of the same item in a different color or size. To take advantage of this offer, please contact our customer service department at 888-802-9947 for assistance with placing your new order. We are available 24 hours a day for your convenience.
Please let us know if there is anything else we can do for you, and thank you again for contacting Shop.Timberland.com Customer Support.
Susan R
Customer Service Representative
楼主真幸福。。。我得到了2只一模一样的鞋子。天木兰 还让我邮寄回去。 尼玛 鞋子34刀。 我邮寄回来就已经花了10来刀了 再邮过去 再又回来 比鞋子都贵啊。。好心的楼主 可以帮写一份英文mail 和天木兰沟通吗@乱点香
同事给推荐的E1230 V2 1300, B75 500 ,8G 500, GTX660 1400。。说是什么百度吧标配。。看起来很高端的样子