@二分之一休止符 A家有buysafe的价保,已申请,待观察
1. Your Guarantee Information:
Your buySAFE Guaranteed Number:
Email Address used in transaction:
2. Details about the transaction:
Date of Purchase:
Amount of purchase: 1,060.00
New advertised price: 969.00
Description of purchase: Baume & Mercier MOA10035 from Ashford
3. Proof of Lower Price:
You will be required to email your proof of lower price screenshot as well as a copy of your proof of payment (receipt).*
Click on the following link for instructions on how to take a screenshot: http://take-a-screenshot.org
4. Refund Information:
PayPal Address: **
* All supporting documentation must be submitted within 10 business days of claim submission.
** Depending on the type of account you have , you may be charged processing fees by PayPal.
@sunvar 我保价的KF接口是DINA,第一次用J家的价格对比,这货拒之;第二次用1040外加CM10的优惠,这货又拒之。今天看了伪土豪的帖子,我直接奔buysafe去了,不和这家伙矫情了。
@ddsh 求您给我一下,你的MOA10035的订单截图?我想申请保价,但是客服要求我提供成功下单的截图。我的邮箱 spring.guo#gmail.com。灰常、灰常的感谢!
KINDLE FIRE一代的用户飘过,说实话,KF的用户群太小众了,没有一定能力重刷系统,这货其实是废物一个。不能光看硬件,系统和软件才是王道。话说N7有GPS,放车上可以当导航,比这货实用。