刚才又打了一个电话,真是一个客服一个说法,这个客服告诉我是由于负责我的订单的officer 一个叫ANA的员工这几天不在,所以我的订单blocked没有人process,但是我的订单肯定没有问题 他说今天ANA过来上班,他会帮我跟进
刚才美国那边一上班就电话联系了那边的client services 和 credit card team, 对方给的答复是no worries about ur order, the order is under reviewing by wire transfer team, need 3 - 5 business days to process. 这是正常的状态。
在出现这个:Your action is needed to remove your order out of process hold due to credit block. Please contact support for more information and additional help.之后, 我打过联想的电话,1-855-253-6686, Option 4,问了他们,说订单没有问题 他们后台看是正常的,等待更新就好,我今天半夜再打电话问一下吧